2.0 Help

Trigger Delay Modifier Component

Handles plMsgTriggerTriggered events and sends new messages after a delay. This is typically used to activate something not right away, but when something is present inside a trigger volume for a minimum duration. Similarly, it can also be used from deactivating something too early.

The enter and leave messages are sent only when an empty trigger is entered or when the last object leaves the trigger. While any object is already inside the trigger, no change event is sent. Therefore this component can't be used to keep track of all the objects inside a trigger.

The enter and leave events can be sent with a delay. The enter event is only sent, if the trigger had at least one object inside it for the full duration of the delay. Which exact object may change, but once the trigger contains no object, the timer is reset.

The sent plMsgTriggerTriggered does not contain a reference to the triggering object, since there may be multiple and they may change randomly.

Component Properties

  • ActivationDelay, DeactivationDelay: The time that an object needs to be present inside the trigger, or have fully left the trigger area, before the trigger is considered to be activated or deactivated. Only after this delay is the plMsgTriggerTriggered event sent to the parent object.

See Also

  • Jolt Trigger Component

  • Messaging

Last modified: 09 June 2024