2.0 Help


RmlUi is a third-party GUI library that uses an HTML-like syntax to describe UI elements, and CSS to style them. RmlUi is lightweight, yet flexible.

Support for RmlUi is provided through a dedicated engine plugin. To enable it in your project, activate the plugin in the project settings.

Rml Documentation

The documentation for RmlUi can be found here.

Please refer to that documenation for any questions around how to use RmlUi.

Work in Progress

The integration of RmlUi into Plasma Engine is functional, but still a work-in-progress. At the moment you can only build 2D GUIs that appear on top of the screen. In the future we plan to also support placing GUI elements inside the 3D environment.

Also, currently you need to work directly with the RmlUi C++ code to interact with the UI. We may add convenience functionality to make simple use cases of GUIs easier.

There is no TypeScript binding for RmlUi. Most likely this will never change, however, if we get around to adding some convenience features, that may make it possible to use a limited feature set from script code.

See Also

Last modified: 09 June 2024