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Components with TypeScript

To create a new component type, create a new TypeScript asset. In that asset document, click the toolbar button to edit the script with Visual Studio Code. This will not only open the text editor, but also ensure that the .ts file exists and contains a basic template for your new component.

Base Class

Your component class must extend one of these base classes:

  1. pl.TypescriptComponent

  2. pl.TickedTypescriptComponent

If it extends pl.TypescriptComponent, it can react to messages, startup/shutdown and activation/deactivation callbacks. However, it will not be updated regularly. Though this can be achieved through messages.

If it extends pl.TickedTypescriptComponent, the member function Tick() is executed regularly. The rate at which it shall be called can be modified using SetTickInterval().

Often game components need to do regular checks and update their own state. Use the ticked base class when this is necessary. Choose a tick interval that is as long as possible to reduce their performance cost. You can also dynamically change the tick rate, to e.g. do more updates when the player is close, than when they are far away.

Whenever possible, though, prefer to use the non-ticked base class and have no regular update, at all. Such components rely on other machnisms, such as triggers to detect when they need to react, and they can use delayed messages (sent by others or by themselves) to trigger follow up work.

Tick Function

When extending pl.TickedTypescriptComponent, the component code must contain a function with this signature:

Tick(): void { }

It will be executed during the game update whenever enough time has passed. Use SetTickInterval() to adjust the frequency.


The template code contains examples for these functions:

  1. Initialize()

  2. Deinitialize()

  3. OnActivated()

  4. OnDeactivated()

  5. OnSimulationStarted()

These functions are called in the same way as for C++ components. See Component Activation for details.

Message Handlers

TypeScript components can both send and receive messages. The article Messaging in TypeScript Code explains this in more detail.

To handle messages, message handler functions must be registered first. This is done on a per-type basis, rather than per instance. Therefore you have to register message handlers from within the static function RegisterMessageHandlers().

Auto Generated Code

The editor may insert auto generated code into the .ts file. This is needed for example for variables that are supposed to show up as exposed parameters. Special code comments are used to tag the are where the editor can insert the generated code:


Writing Your Component

To initialize things, use the OnSimulationStarted() callback. For regular updates, put your code into the Tick() function. Use messaging to communicate with unknown component types or when a delay is desired. For all known component types, you can call functions or read and write properties directly.

For an overview what functionality is available through TypeScript, check out the TypeScript API.

See Also

Last modified: 09 June 2024