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Components with C++

To write a custom C++ component, the first thing you need is a custom engine plugin. Once you have that, and have it enabled in your project settings, any custom component that you define in that plugin will show up in the editor and can be attached to game objects.

The Sample Game Plugin shows all the pieces that you need, including multiple components to get inspiration from. This article describes the steps to create a simple custom component.

Before you continue, please read the components chapter, as it already covers most things that you need to know.

Component Manager Declaration

For every type of C++ component there is a corresponding component manager. The component manager is responsible for allocating and deallocating components and for updating them. Each component manager is tied to a single world, so if you have multiple worlds, each world will hold its own instance of each component manager.

A component manager is a world module, so it can register functions to be called during specific update phases of the world.

For the vast majority of components we only need a component manager that calls Update() on our component type once a frame. We can declare such a simple manager like this in the header file for our component:

using DemoComponentManager = plComponentManagerSimple<class DemoComponent, plComponentUpdateType::WhenSimulating>;

Component Class Declaration

Next, we declare our component class. All components must derive (at least indirectly) from plComponent. Also vital is to insert the PL_DECLARE_COMPONENT_TYPE macro, where you pass in the own component class name, the base class, and the component manager class.

class DemoComponent : public plComponent { PL_DECLARE_COMPONENT_TYPE(DemoComponent, plComponent, DemoComponentManager); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // plComponent public: virtual void SerializeComponent(plWorldWriter& stream) const override; virtual void DeserializeComponent(plWorldReader& stream) override; protected: virtual void OnSimulationStarted() override; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DemoComponent public: DemoComponent(); ~DemoComponent(); private: void Update(); float m_fAmplitude = 1.0f; // [ property ] plAngle m_Speed = plAngle::Degree(90); // [ property ] };

Here we override a couple of functions from plComponent. For the binary serialization we must implement plComponent::SerializeComponent(). As long as you test your component only inside the editor, you don't yet need to implement these functions, as the editor stores reflected properties automatically. However, once you want to export your scene, these functions are used, and if you forgot to properly serialize something, the exported scene will not work correctly.

Note that our sample component has a (non-virtual) function called Update(). This is necessary because we use the plComponentManagerSimple here, which expects to find such a function. If you write your own component manager, you can do this differently.

Reflection Block

In our cpp file we need to insert a reflection block for our component type. This tells the engine all the details about our component, for instance which properties it has.

// clang-format off PL_BEGIN_COMPONENT_TYPE(DemoComponent, 3 /* version */, plComponentMode::Dynamic) { PL_BEGIN_PROPERTIES { PL_MEMBER_PROPERTY("Amplitude", m_fAmplitude)->AddAttributes(new plDefaultValueAttribute(1), new plClampValueAttribute(0, 10)), PL_MEMBER_PROPERTY("Speed", m_Speed)->AddAttributes(new plDefaultValueAttribute(plAngle::Degree(90))), } PL_END_PROPERTIES; PL_BEGIN_ATTRIBUTES { new plCategoryAttribute("SampleGamePlugin"), } PL_END_ATTRIBUTES; } PL_END_COMPONENT_TYPE // clang-format on

This information is used in various ways. The editor uses it for the UI. Attributes on each property allow you to configure what default values the editor should use, and whether it should clamp the range for values, etc. Bindings to other languages also use this information to generate the necessary code. Everything that is not mentioned in this block, is internal to the C++ code and hidden from the tools.

Initialization and Update

Next up, we implement our basic component code:

DemoComponent::DemoComponent() = default; DemoComponent::~DemoComponent() = default; void DemoComponent::OnSimulationStarted() { SUPER::OnSimulationStarted(); // this component doesn't need to anything for initialization } void DemoComponent::Update() { const plTime curTime = GetWorld()->GetClock().GetAccumulatedTime(); const plAngle curAngle = curTime.AsFloatInSeconds() * m_Speed; const float curHeight = plMath::Sin(curAngle) * m_fAmplitude; GetOwner()->SetLocalPosition(plVec3(0, 0, curHeight)); }

Components rarely need to do much in their constructor and destructor. Most setup should be done in plComponent::OnSimulationStarted(). For components that should already have functionality in the editor, while the simulation is not yet running, you should do your setup in plComponent::OnActivated() instead. There is no OnSimulationStopped(), as this would always be the same as plComponent::OnDeactivated().

As you can see, this component modifies the position of its owner object during its update. This is why we had to use plComponentMode::Dynamic in the reflection block, to tell the engine that objects with this component attached may change their position.


Finally, to make our component also work in exported scenes, we need to implement serialization:

void DemoComponent::SerializeComponent(plWorldWriter& stream) const { SUPER::SerializeComponent(stream); auto& s = stream.GetStream(); s << m_fAmplitude; s << m_Speed; }

This writes out the data in the latest format. If you change the format, you should increase the version number of your component in the reflection block at the very top.

Obviously, at runtime we also need to deserialize our component. This is where we implement backwards compatibility for older exported scenes:

void DemoComponent::DeserializeComponent(plWorldReader& stream) { SUPER::DeserializeComponent(stream); const plUInt32 uiVersion = stream.GetComponentTypeVersion(GetStaticRTTI()); auto& s = stream.GetStream(); s >> m_fAmplitude; if (uiVersion <= 2) { // up to version 2 the angle was stored as a float in degree // convert this to plAngle float fDegree; s >> fDegree; m_Speed = plAngle::Degree(fDegree); } else { s >> m_Speed; } }


Adding a custom component in C++ is not hard. Use the Sample Game Plugin as a playground to get started. Of course with C++ you have the typical restriction that you can't hot reload code, you have to close the editor, compile your plugin and reopen the editor. Hot Reloading C++ Game Plugins in the Editor describes a mechanism that can basically do all that for you with a single button press, though.

Armed with these basics, you should have a look at existing components to see how to solve specific issues.

See Also

Last modified: 03 July 2024