2.0 Help

Color Animation Component

The color animation component allows you to apply an animated color gradient to other components, such as meshes or light sources or any other component type that handles the message type plMsgSetColor.

Component Properties

  • Gradient: The color gradient to use. The gradient will be sampled from left to right over Duration seconds. Each time the sampled color is put into an plMsgSetColor and that message is sent to all other components that are attached to the same object.

  • Duration: The duration that the color gradient should last before it is being repeated.

  • SetColorMode: The mode with which to modify the color of the affect object. Although the color can be blended into the target object's color, for many components this quickly results in a fully black or fully white result, as the modifications accumulate with each change.

  • AnimationMode: How to continue sampling the color gradient, once the end has been reached.

  • RandomStartOffset: If enabled, the component starts with a random time offset. This way prevents synchronous playback, if multiple objects use the same animation.

  • ApplyToChildren: Whether to send the plMsgSetColor only to components on the same game object, or also to all components in the entire sub-graph. This can be used to modify the color of many objects in sync.

See Also

  • Property Animation (TODO)

  • Color Gradients

Last modified: 09 June 2024