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Cloth Sheet Component

The cloth sheet component simulates a square patch of cloth as it hangs and swings in the wind. It is meant for decorative purposes such as flags.

Cloth sheets are affected by wind and movement of the owner object. They do not interact with physics objects and they don't collide with scene geometry.

Component Properties

  • Size: The physical size of the cloth sheet in the world.

  • Slack: How much slack the cloth has along the X and Y axis. A value of zero means it is hung perfectly straight between its anchors. Positive values make it sag downwards.

  • Segments: How detailed to simulate the cloth. Use as low values as possible, the simulation quickly becomes prohibitively expensive with higher tesselations.

  • Damping: How quickly the cloth loses energy while swinging. Higher values make it come to rest more quickly, low values make it swing for a longer time. Once it comes to rest, it takes significantly less processing power.

  • WindInfluence: How strongly wind should make the cloth swing.

  • Flags: These define at which corners and edges the sheet of cloth is attached to the world.

  • Material: The material used for rendering the cloth. Make sure to set it to two-sided for cloth that can be seen from both sides.

  • Color: An additional tint-color for rendering.

See Also

Last modified: 09 June 2024