2.0 Help

Blackboard Nodes

The animation controller provides nodes to read and write values from and to a blackboard. For this, the game object on which the animation controller component is attached, also needs to hold a blackboard component.

Set Blackboard Value Node


When activated or deactivated, this node writes a given value to the blackboard.


  • BlackboardEntry: The name of the blackboard entry (variable) to write to.

  • SetOnActivation: If true, ActivationValue will be written to the blackboard whenever the Active input pin changes from disabled to enabled.

  • ActivationValue: The value that shall be written to the blackboard, when the Active pin becomes enabled.

  • SetOnDeactivation: If true, DeactivationValue will be written to the blackboard whenever the Active input pin changes from enabled to disabled.

  • DeactivationValue: The value that shall be written to the blackboard, when the Active pin becomes disabled.

Input Pins

  • Active: The active state determines when either the ActivationValue or DeactivationValue shall be written to the blackbard. As long as this pin's state doesn't change, no value is written.

Check Blackboard Value Node


This node constantly monitors a blackboard value and compares it to a reference value. Whenever the comparison yields true, the Active output pin is enabled, otherwise disabled.


  • BlackboardEntry: The name of the blackboard entry (variable) to monitor.

  • ReferenceValue: A reference value for the comparison.

  • Comparison: The way the two values get compared.

Output Pins

  • Active: This output pin will be triggered whenever the comparison was successful.

Get Blackboard Value Node


This node outputs the value of a specific blackboard entry. The number value can then be forwarded to other nodes.


  • BlackboardEntry: The name of the blackboard entry (variable) to read.

Output Pins

  • Number: The value of the blackboard entry. If the entry doesn't exist, the pin outputs zero.

See Also

Last modified: 09 June 2024